Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Habits, Health, & Hunchbacks

Habits, Health, & Hunchbacks

A week ago, this was my focus . . . 
  • Exercise five times/week 
  • Drink my greens daily
  • I was thankful for the community and accountability provided, courtesy of the Health Habits Blog Hop at Teachers of Good Things
  • Taking baby steps and building upon them = fruitful progress

How did I do?
  • I exercised 20-40 minutes with a Jazzercise DVD six times last week. However, I did not practice yoga. I could feel it in my legs, and after one session my side ached pretty bad. I need to be cautious about not overdoing it, since I have not been used to exercising in recent months. My energy level was adequate though. 
  • I drank my greens—everyday—a green smoothie or I juiced, or I simply added organic greens powder to my drink. 
  • I dropped a few pounds. Pretty good! 

Week 2


Improve posture and reduce stress: I don't want to be the poster mom for the Old Hunchbacks of North Arkansas! Someone's blog last week mentioned posture and I knew it was something I really needed to work on. My posture is important, but especially my sitting posture.

My husband nags me about it when he sees me working at the computer. He's right! My back should be touching the back of my chair and I should not be hunched forward, straining my neck and shoulder muscles. Does my computer screen need to be moved closer? Do I need to change my reading glasses? Do I want to see the chiropractor more often? 

If I can squeeze in yoga 2 times/week that will help posture as well as relieve stress (physical and mental). Specific exercises, stretching my muscles, and working out the kinks at intervals makes sense too. Plus, tomorrow I plan to walk in the mall at noon after work with a lady I work with. Perhaps I can do that at least once a week and meditate on "good posture".


Take steps to continue with the anti-inflammation diet: Inflammation is part of a healthy immune system, but when it goes into over-drive on a consistent basis from long term exposure to irritants like a high-fat and calorie-laden processed diet (Standard American Diet), lack of exercise, or perhaps smokingdisease is the result. 

I've been working on this diet change for months but I haven't arrived with the whole caboodle just yet. Munching more raw veggies is a given, but there are other factors involved like making a *wheat-free lifestyle change—all part of reducing inflammation.  *Small amounts of spelt flour is allowed.

I'd recommend that everyone read Wheat Belly by cardiologist, William Davis, to get the whole-grain gutsy facts. For help with my diet lifestyle change I'm using Jessica Black's The Anti-inflammation Diet & Recipe Book. Though it's not a raw breakfast, here's a post on my Living & Learning @ Home blog with the yummy recipe for Grain-free Banana Blueberry Pancakes which I made last week.

Colorful Rainbow Chard



God's design for us. The study of the human body and healthy living fascinates me. We were designed to heal ourselves. I watched a DVD a friend loaned me this past week . . .

Double Blind What Science Can’t See, a DVD by Lorraine Day M.D. 
Her main focus was how science has become the god of our civilization, and how we've turned away from God and His answers for us. It's worth a look if not only for a glimpse of her amazing personal testimony of healing from breast cancer. She refused many of her doctors recommendations, and ate a natural vegan diet as only part of the healing journey that she claims can assist us also, to reverse and prevent most diseases. 

I was compelled to rethink all the supplements I take (which are many) and to question the quality of what I buy and consume, avoiding synthetics. (They may contain heavy metals and/or artificial chemicals.) Organic fruits, grains, and vegetables should provide the significant amount of vitamins and minerals our body needs. I don't believe that's entirely possible for most people in our society, so I supplement. In the book More Anti-Inflammation Diet Tips and Recipes by Jessica Black ND, she recommends that we rotate our pills, not just pop the same stuff every day. She used this example: Take calcium for two weeks and then vitamin C and E for two weeks. Hmmm. 

Who do we trust—science and doctors or God? Who should we trust? Who is the healer? Are we in control of our health or do we relinquish it in blind faith to others? If interested in more about Dr. Day check out her website and 10 Natural Laws for Health.


Moot Eating: Deliberate about what I put into my mouth before I eat it! 
Emotional eating and cravings are problems for me. I've read books before that expound on this, but I did not stick with a plan very long and I have not found a solution that works all the time (and I probably won't). Rather than go through a several minute ritual before eating a bite, I can consciously take 15-30 seconds to reflect on the nature of the food I have chosen to devour and decide on its health (or unhealthy) benefits. Whatever I then decide, I will enjoy whatever it is I am eating and thank the Lord for His bounty! 

Concerning cravings, I've experienced that when I'm eating healthiest (less sugar, less carbs) the cravings are less as well.

How are you doing with improving your health habits? What are you learning? What motivates you?

Linking up with Teachers of Good Things

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