Friday, January 4, 2013

Inflammation & Drinking My Greens: Apple-Spinach Delight

Apple-Spinach Delight

I've had a good week as far as feeling good—until last night and this morning. Another headache . . . but it wasn't a migraine and it's just about gone now. Some days I can just feel the inflammation in my body and I feel sick like I'm getting the flu, but it fluctuates. So I downed an extra CuraMed (potent antioxidant) and made sure I was well hydrated, and decided to do some juicing after I did my Jazzercise, (that I'm sure got my lymphatics flowing). 

I'll mention more about what I've learned about inflammation and its relationship to disease in a later posting, but it was neat that I picked up the Sam's Club Healthy Living Made Simple magazine that came in the mail and saw this article: How does inflammation affect cardiovascular health? 

Here's a quote: 
Many scientists now believe that inflammation, not cholesterol or saturated fat, may be the critical underlying cause of heart disease, which kills nearly 600,000 Americans each year.
 Exchanging an inflammatory lifestyle (that keeps the immune system on high alert) for an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, seems to make sense for everyone! The main causes of chronic inflammation listed in the article are: 
Cigarette smoking. 
Periodontal disease. 
A diet high in sugars. 
Lack of exercise. 
I don't smoke, but to a certain extent the rest do apply to me. That's additional motivation for me to "drink my greens"!

My efforts so far this week at drinking my greens have been fruitful! Here's what I made in the juicer this morning since I had an abundance of spinach:

Juice the following ingredients:

Big bunch of spinach
4 large Fuji apples 
4 large stalks of celery with leaves
1 lb organic carrots
Squirt of lime juice 
It's delicious! I don't bother to filter the foam off the top—as far as I can tell it's all good!

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